Double Flipped Classroom Teaching Mathematics

“Flipped Classroom” by Mikel Agirregabiria is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The flipped classroom approach has advantages which are more striking than ever. My personal experience is a very strong dispersion of the speed of the learners. The (forced) ability to manage more than one task simultaneously in a multimedia setting with students laptops (cf. desktop Sharing to laptops) can be extremely demanding — just trying to answer a question is not possible anymore. All these aspects are handled perfectly by flipping the classroom letting the students study the new material at home in advance typically via videos.

Now — besides the fact that using a modern textbook with worked-out examples can do exactly the same without any effort — all of this is missing the kind of interaction which makes classroom teaching especially in mathematics so important. Yes, sure, this is done in the classroom settings following the home preparation.

For many situations I tried the following simple approach which merges both methods: the first time a new subject is taught it is done in school, with all the interaction possible to be sure to react to all the peculiarities at this moment of time in this classroom with these special students. The resulting solution tailored to the specific needs of this group of students — and is recorded (in case of a screencast just by using e.g. BigBlueButton without any additional effort; a simple mobile phone could be enough for a teachers talk).

The resulting video can be postprocessed in a few minutes and brought to the students e.g. via Moodle or Mahara. These videos can be studied by the students and are repeated and discussed in the following lessons as usual. Talking about the contents twice just increases the competence of the students and learning which lasts longer.


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