Lately I used the Forum Activity in Moodle to create a couple of activities centered about our “Safer Internet” initiative. Mainly I wanted the students to think about their own experience, their priorities using some service usually being of high importance to their own lives.
The starting point for this is a page listing a vast collection of brochures. These are thought as a quick manual to each service, e.g. “TikTok” or “WhatsApp” or “Fortnite” — presenting easy to understand explanations and howto sections regarding every aspect of usage possibilities, possible dangerous situations or usage scenarios etc.
I presented this page to my students telling them to select one of the flyers: a subject which is of high importance, because they use this service very frequently or, in the opposite, they are new to this and want to be informed before getting started.
They then had to read the material and to identify which two special items would be of importance to them: what, why and to present an example, illustrating their point of view (in German: Behauptung, Begründung, Beispiel therefore called the rule of “BBB”).
These two findings had to be posted into a Moodle forum, each in a separate entry. Additionally they should comment two of their peers postings.
All of this was designed easily, done with much joy and it was a pleasure to assess, as Moodle presents a very intuitive view presenting all contributions of a student in one place.